Returns a collection of properties matching given criteria.
Query parameters
Maximum number of bedrooms in the property.
Minimum number of bedrooms in the property.
Maximum budget for the property.
Minimum budget for the property.
Maximum condominium fees for the property.
Minimum condominium fees for the property.
Maximum construction year of the property.
Minimum construction year of the property.
The energy efficiency categories of the property.
Maximum energy value of the property.
Minimum energy value of the property.
Date from which an event of type price is created — inclusive.
Maximum percent variation of an event of type price.
Minimum percent variation of an event of type price.
Date before which an event of type price is created — inclusive.
Date from which an event of type surface is created — inclusive.
Maximum percent variation of an event of type surface.
Minimum percent variation of an event of type surface.
Date before which an event of type surface is created — inclusive.
Cities to be excluded.
Insee codes to be excluded.
Properties to be excluded.
Zipcodes to be excluded.
Whether to show properties that are expired. A property is considered expired when all its adverts are expired. Can be true
, false
or null
. Default is null
which returns all properties no matter if they’re expired or not.
Full text matching including/excluding words & phrases in the title or the description of the property.
Example: expressions[0][0][word]=travaux&expressions[0][0][options][includes]=true&expressions[0][0][options][strict]=false&expressions[0][1][word]=lumineux&expressions[0][1][options][includes]=true&expressions[0][1][options][strict]=false
which will search for properties that contain both the keywords lumineux
and travaux
Maximum percentage of fees.
Minimum percentage of fees.
Responsibility for fees. 0
for seller, 1
for buyer.
Maximum number of floors in the property.
Minimum number of floors in the property.
Date from which the property is created — inclusive.
Date from which the advert is expired — inclusive.
Date from which the property is updated — inclusive.
Filter for furnished properties.
Green house gas performance letter array of the property.
Maximum value of green house gas of the property.
Minimum value of green house gas of the property.
Located in given cities. Example: includedCities[]=/cities/30953&includedCities[]=/cities/30952
. Use locations to get the desired city ids.
Located in given departments. Example: includedDepartments[]=/departments/77
. Use locations to get the desired department ids.
Located in given insee codes. Example: includedInseeCodes[]=75117&includedInseeCodes[]=75118
Located in given zipcodes. Example: includedZipcodes[]=75017&includedZipcodes[]=75018
Lower than or equal to given inventory price. Example: inventoryPriceMax=500
Greater than or equal to given inventory price. Example: inventoryPriceMin=250
The number of items per page. Max is 30
Maximum land surface.
Minimum land surface.
Latitude. Will work if latitude exists in the property. Example: lat=48.864716
Longitude. Will work if latitude exists in the property. Example: lon=2.349014
Lower than or equal to given lot count. Example: lotCountMax=12
Greater than or equal to given lot count. Example: lotCountMin=4
Order properties by creation date. Can be asc
or desc
Order properties by price per meter. Can be asc
or desc
Order properties by price. Can be asc
or desc
Order properties by surface. Can be asc
or desc
Order properties by update date. Can be asc
or desc
The collection page number.
Lower than or equal to given price excluding fees. Example: priceExcludingFeesMax=427500
Greater than or equal to given price excluding fees. Example: priceExcludingFeesMin=405000
Lower than or equal to given price per meter. Example: pricePerMeterMax=11500
Greater than or equal to given price per meter. Example: pricePerMeterMin=9500
Type of property. Apartment 0
, House 1
, Building 2
, Parking 3
, Office 4
, Land 5
, Shop 6
. Example: propertyTypes[]=0&propertyTypes[]=1
Type of publisher. Individual 0
, Professional 1
. Example: publisherTypes[]=0&publisherTypes[]=1
Distance expressed in kilometers. Will work if latitude & longitude parameters are also set. Example: radius=20
Lower than or equal to given rental charges amount. Example: rentalChargesMax=100
Greater than or equal to given rental charges amount. Example: rentalChargesMin=50
Lower than or equal to given rental pledge amount. Example: rentalPledgeMax=800
Greater than or equal to given rental pledge amount. Example: rentalPledgeMin=500
Lower than or equal to given renter fees. Example: renterFeesMax=80
Greater than or equal to given renter fees. Example: renterFeesMin=50
Maximum rooms of the property. Example: roomMax=6
Minimum rooms of the property. Example: roomMin=3
Whether to sort results by properties or by adverts.
If property
is chosen, fromDate
and toDate
parameters will be overridden so that the results will be sorted by the createdAt
of each property
If advert
is chosen: fromDate
and toDate
parameters will be overridden so that the results will be sorted by createdAt
of each advert
Example: sortMode=property
Please check our glossary for more information about the distinction between adverts and properties.
Lower than or equal to given surface. Example: surfaceMax=84
Greater than or equal to given surface. Example: surfaceMin=42
Date until which the property is created — inclusive. Example: toDate=2021-05-07 12:42:42
Date from which the advert is expired — inclusive.
Example: toExpiredAt=2021-05-07 12:42:42
Date until which the property is updated — inclusive. Example: toUpdatedAt=2021-05-07 12:42:42
Type of transaction. Sell 0
, Rent 1
. Example: transactionType=0
Filter properties with coherent price. Example: withCoherentPrice=true
Having a virtual tour video link. Example: withVirtualTour=true